Author: developherdev

  • June 1, 2022

    Get Active on Social Media & Open Up a World of Opportunities

    If you’re not using social media to help advance your career – you’re making a huge mistake. I know that it can feel tedious, or the idea of self-promotion can feel icky, but utilizing the power of social media gave me tremendous opportunities I otherwise…

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  • May 16, 2022

    Further Your Career By Looking For Opportunities in Everything

    Being a woman in a male-dominated industry often means you have to work harder to get ahead. The trick to standing out and getting ahead is to constantly look for opportunities no matter what level you’re at in your career. I should know. As a…

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  • April 17, 2022

    Avoid the Pitfall of Analysis Paralysis & Take Action

    I have a bias toward taking action. I know I get nowhere by planning alone. I get there by doing. As women in male-dominated industries, I find we too often start questioning ourselves and feeling a strong form of imposter syndrome. If you want to…

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  • April 5, 2022

    Consistently Build Your Network and Stay Connected to Create Lasting Success in Your Tech Career

    Whether you are looking for a new position in tech or not, it’s essential to consistently build your network. I’m talking about building your network before you need it and regularly staying in contact with the connections you make.  Branching out and networking may feel…

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  • March 22, 2022

    Be Your Own Best Advocate for Building Success

    Becoming your own best advocate can make all the difference in finding success in your tech career. Advocating for yourself means going out and finding your own opportunities rather than waiting for someone to tap you on the shoulder and give you one. It’s about…

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  • March 5, 2022

    Transform Your Career By Learning Front-of-the-Line Tech Skills

    The most successful people in tech know that in order to get ahead and stay ahead, they must consistently be well-versed in new and valuable skills and continuously build their portfolios. Staying up to date on what’s trending in the tech world and what skills…

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  • January 31, 2022

    Stay Consistent, Take Small Actions, Be Repetitive & Create Success

    I’m going to let you in on a little secret – the key to real success is taking small actions repeatedly and consistently. This is a mantra I’ve adopted throughout my career, and it really works.  Now, of course, it’s easier said than done. The…

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  • January 14, 2022

    Take Time to Pause and Reflect This New Year

    Happy New Year! I hope you all had a fantastic holiday break. As we start off the year, I’ve found myself taking some time to pause and reflect on all the progress I’ve made so far. I’ve been looking back at all I’ve done, as…

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  • December 11, 2021

    Build Your Life & Career Through Gratitude

    I want to talk about the practice of gratitude. There is a lot of science on how practicing gratitude can improve your life and ultimately make you happier. In fact, studies show that people who practice gratitude experience more positive emotions, sleep better, express more…

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  • November 18, 2021

    Let’s Talk about the Power of a Power Fund

    How is your relationship with money? Are you showing up for yourself financially? It’s time for you to start looking at yourself as an asset. And a huge part of that means making sure you’re building assets for yourself by making strategic financial decisions. Being…

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  • October 24, 2021

    Track Your Progress to Build Confidence and Gain Perspective

    This past month I celebrated two huge milestones. It’s been ten years since I started back in tech with only 90 days to prove myself while having zero networks and zero tech skills, and four years since I founded DevelopHer with no outside investments, all…

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